hospital window cleaning

High Window Glass Washed Easily at a Brisbane Hospital

What’s the first thing that comes to mind on viewing this window washing moment in time? Does the expression “go go gadget…extension poles” ring a bell? Or…what about “there ain’t no window high enough, there ain’t no grime tough enough to keep us from getting to it”…suffice to say this was definitely one of Steve’s ‘four story glory’ moments! And no doubt, as Steve was washing windows at this Brisbane hospital building, he was humming a similar tune.

The invention of light weight, water fed extension poles has really revolutionised the window washing world. We can now efficiently and safely clean high windows, ladder free, from the ground up.

This is fabulously fuss free! What was, once upon a time, a “how many ladders can we ethically fix to a van?” exercise is now a fete of finesse. This is sure to keep commercial window cleaners all around the world humming whilst they wash 😉

If you look at the photo closely you’ll notice the extension poles are designed ingeniously without any obvious water pipes hanging off them. Why is that? In two words, practicality and functionality. Our equipment is purpose made to allow a water fed hose to be snuggly threaded through the middle of the pole. Such innovation has a two faceted purpose.

1. It minimises trip hazards. This leaves the Work Place Health and Safety Officer humming.

2. It allows a continuous stream of water to be pumped through the hose, flooding the window as it’s washed clean. This results in a scratch, smudge, dust free clean every time. Which means your window’s sparkle for longer in between washes.

If it’s time for your business’ high window’s to be washed clean and you’re after a fabulously fuss free experience that will leave you humming, give our Get It Clean team a call. We are happy to help!