Entries by Get It Clean

Window Cleaning Our River City

Check out this great spot in our beautiful river city – Brisbane! The weather at this time of year is so good to be out and about. Even if you are still cooped up at home we can make sure your view is crystal clear. The view you have may not be exactly the view […]

House Washing Improves Your Property

With a little extra time on our hands many Brisbane residents are taking the opportunity to do an ‘Autumn’ clean. Regular cleaning of exterior painted surfaces can not only reinvigorate the look of your house but keep it in good condition stretching out the time between re-painting, which is a major cost saving. Also keeping […]

Window Cleaning – Clayfield Architectural Home

Many of our residential Brisbane Window Cleaning homes are architecturally designed. Windows are such an important feature, making your home more comfortable, allowing light and air into rooms, opening up to stunning views, or simply bringing outside more inside. The windows themselves are one of the most complex design elements in building a home and […]

House Wash Tidy Up @ Grange

So you’ve been putting up with the ‘humming’ of tools in the neighbourhood from 7am for the past few months? The construction work has finally drawn to a close, but as a parting gift, you notice a layer of dust has now encased your property! That scenario sadly is all too familiar for many of […]

Wilston Industrial Chic: Tricky Window Cleaning Access Made Easy

Angular lines, aluminium sheets, metal support beams, external semi-frameless glass balustrades…are you thinking what I’m thinking??? If you said ‘industrial chic’ we’re on the same page! Moving on…what makes ‘industrial chic’ complete? Keeping the balustrade glass clean and clear. This is a must! Especially is this important when it’s a prominent feature of your street […]